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Lifestyle Wellness

Nighttime Self-Care Rituals to Adopt

When things get messy, busy, hectic or stressful during the day, most of us think to ourselves “I can’t wait for this day to finally be over!” Stress and a sudden feeling of overwhelm most of the time come unexpectedly. That is one of the reasons why I am such a huge believer in rituals and routines. Both morning and nighttime. I love both the very beginning and the end of the day because I find them both incredibly peaceful.…

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Lifestyle Wellness

5 Simple Self-Care Ideas

5 Simple Self-Care Ideas

5 Simple Self-Care Ideas What are some small things that used to put a smile on your face, things that used to make you feel happy and excited when you were a child? I remember jumping on the bed, reading books while sitting next to the open window, listening to the rain. I also remember spending a lot of time in the kitchen with my grandmother, baking, or running barefoot on the grass in the yard. Things were so simple…

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Last Minute Gift Idea: a Self-Care Kit For Someone You Love + How to Create One

Self-Care Kit is something everyone should have. Seriously. Especially those of us who struggle with slowing down and taking some time out, just for ourselves. This year is the first year where we are pretty much done with our gift shopping, weeks before Christmas.  Most of the gifts are already wrapped, sitting under the tree. I won’t lie, it feels good. Much better than wrapping them while also blow-drying your hair when already running late for the Christmas Eve dinner…

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15 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care for Your Body + Mind + Soul

Do you remember the days when “self-care” wasn’t a thing? Reading a book? Listening to music? Taking a long bath? Making a four-course meal that takes three hours to prepare, at least twice a week? Those were the things I used to just… “do.” Without giving them a second thought. As my schedule became more packed and work became more demanding, doing things like picking up a new book or trying a new recipe, became somewhat of a luxury. Luxury…

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Lifestyle Wellness

Self-care kit: what is it + why you need one

Resting against the warm radiator, reading books while sipping peppermint tea and snacking on sugar cookies. Growing up, that was my ideal recipe for a crappy day. I guess I had my little self-care survival kit (which included Harry Potter books and my favorite peppermint tea) long before I knew what self-care was. If you want to practice more kindness toward yourself, creating a self-care kit is a great place to start. What’s a self-care kit? Think of it as…

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