June Beauty Favorites

June favoritesHere are few products that I’ve been really liking for the lasts few weeks. Some of them are new, some are re-discovered :).

First, can we just please talk about this nail hardener. Yes, those are my natural nails! I’ve been using this Quimica Alemana Nail hardener for a few months now, ever since it was recommended to me right here. Every five days or so, I remove my nail polish, file my nails and let them rest bare over night. The next day I apply one thin coat of this hardener, as a base coat, and follow with my nail polish. I then repeat this once the nail polish wears off. I absolutely love this thing, even though it burnt my skin a bit when I first started using it. Now that my skin has gotten used to it, it doesn’t bother me anymore. This stuff is absolutely amazing, my nails haven’t been this strong for years!

These two Sugar Coat nail polishes by Sally Hansen look super cute, the colors are very vibrant and the sugary coat has a very nice texture. It also lasts a long time, without using a top coat.

This Moisture Rescue Gel by Garnier is perfect for Combination skin. Doesn’t bother my skin, doesn’t break me out and leaves my skin feeling nice and very fresh. Perfect moisturizer for the summer!

Origins Charocal Mask, I’ve used a whole tube of this a long time ago, and forgot how amazing it is. I had to buy it again, because it really cleans out my pores and leaves my skin feeling squeaky-clean.

Artliner liquid liner by Lancome, very black, very long-lasting eyeliner.

Some of my other favorites are:

Marc Anthony Dream Waves Beach Spray
Josie Maran Argan Oil
MAC Pro Long Wear concealer (NC15-I only use it under my eyes)
Wet n’ Wild Gel liner (Fergie collection)
Elf Foundation Brush (I use this to apply my face masks)

Here you can watch me talk about these products:

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Paula xxx

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