Sweet Banana Bites

sweet banana bites

Yesterday I was hit with sweet cravings and because we try not to keep any sweets in the house (hey, if you don’t have them handy, you won’t be reaching for them and who feels like going to the store when cravings hit in the middle of the night? ;) ) I had to make something up. All I had in the fridge were some bananas. Since I was also out of jelly, P&J sandwiches were out of the question so I created these delicious and surprisingly healthy banana bites.

Sweet Banana Bites

2 Bananas, cut in half, lengthwise
natural chunky peanut butter
chopped almonds (raw, unsalted)
sugar free organic coconut flakes
vegan chocolate sauce (recipe follows)

The method is pretty much self explanatory: I cut my sliced bananas in half, spread soma natural, chunky peanut butter and top it off with few chopped almonds and coconut flakes. You could also top it off with some granola if you have any, it’ll add a nice crunchiness to the bananas. I finished off with some vegan chocolate sauce-the same one that I recently used in my Dairy-free milkshake recipe. To make this sauce I mixed 1/3 cup of raw cacao with some vanilla extract, agave nectar and almond milk- I basically “guesstimated” the amount of agave nectar and almond milk- I kept adding both until I got a desired texture and flavor- more agave nectar will make the sauce sweeter and less will create a deep, dark chocolate flavor. Add less milk if you want your sauce to be thick and more if you want it to be more watery.

Funny thing, when Mark watched my milkshake recipe video he pointed out that I pronounced cocoa wrong. I did not as I used raw cacao not cocoa (sometimes I really do hate being right all the time ;) ) so I just wanted to point out that raw cacao is not the same as cocoa-cocoa is cacao powder that has been roasted on high temperatures which modifies the molecular structure of the cacao bean and at the same time reduces its nutritional value. Raw cacao reduces blood pressure, lowers insulin resistance, it’s rich in minerals and antioxidants.

Happy Sunday!


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