Vegan whipped cream

vegan whipped cream recipe

This delicious, dairy-free whipped cream is a guilt free treat that can be used to top your favorite pies, ice cream or any other dessert. Made with rich coconut cream, pure vanilla extract and calorie-free stevia drops, it may taste even better than the “real” stuff.

Vegan (dairy-free) whipped cream

1 can of coconut cream, refrigerated overnight
Stevia drops (alternatively, this can be substituted by other calorie-free sweetener)
pure vanilla extract

The method for preparing this fluffy goodness is pretty simple, all you have to do is whip up all the ingredients together with a mixer. Before I got started I placed my mixing bowl and my whisk in a freezer for about 20 minutes, until thoroughly chilled. I placed the whole can of the coconut cream in the bowl and started mixing it on a low setting. Once the texture became more fluffy I changed the speed to medium-high and slowly added about 10-13 drops of stevia following with about a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Continue to mix for another minute.

I chose to use stevia drops as opposed to artificial sweeter as it is a natural, plant-derived and calorie-free sweetener (no aspartame or sucralose). If you have trouble finding coconut cream, you can also use coconut milk, BUT it cannot be low-fat and it has to be refrigerated overnight. [When using coconut milk for this, once the can is chilled the “fatty” and creamy part of the coconut milk will solidify and separate from the liquid-carefully scoop out the cream, leaving the liquid behind (you can reserve it for a different use, i.e. in your morning smoothie or a protein shake). ]

When kept in an air-tight container, you can keep this in your fridge for several days. Put it in your ice-offee, on your pancakes, whatever you wish! Just a little warning, this whipped cream WILL have a slight coconut flavor.

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