4 ways to re-use old candle jars

lifestyle and beauty blog 2014

It’s no secret that I have a bit of an obsession with candles, especially ones that are scented. Bath & Body Works candles have to be one of my favorites and once empty, the jars make for a great storage solution for items like makeup brushes, cotton swabs, nails polishes or lip & eye liners.

 Last year I attempted to do one of those DIY projects that are all over the Internet (using mod podge and glitter and/or spray glitter) and it was a mess. I got glitter all over my bathroom and the jars kept “shedding” glitter all over my makeup brushes and vanity. I think at this point it’s safe to say that DIY is not really my thing. Although every once in a while I do like to get out of my comfort zone and try something new. Like transforming my office into a closet/beauty room, where we tore apart an old closet an built a new one (ok.. my husband did that) and repaint and rearrange the whole room. Does that count as DIY?

Since it was clear that glitter and I won’t become friends anytime soon, I thought, why not re-use the candle jars anyway? I really loved my Floral Bloom scented candle that came in the cutest white and pink ceramic jar. When a jar is so pretty, all you need to do is clean it out and you’re good to go. I bought this at Home Goods, but it’s by Ardan Living Essentials. Even though there wasn’t much scent to this candle while it was burning, I’m still happy that I got it, since I’m left with this pretty jar. I use it to store some of my lipbalms and keep it on my desk by my computer where I do most of my work. If you’re a girl, chances are you buy ridiculous amounts of lipbalms and always seem to lose them, and this is a neat idea for keeping them all in one place.

As I said in the beginning, Bath and Body Works candles are my favorites and I also love the jars that they come in (I also LOVE  Scentsetional Natural Soy candles and their jars). They’re a perfect size and height and aren’t very flimsy.  I have one on my nightstand where I keep a bunch of eye creams, my eye drops, a lipbalm, a night cream, etc., I have a few that store my makeup brushes, my lipsticks and another one where I keep all of my mascaras. There’s also one in my bathroom where I keep more skincare products. I actually came to really like the non-glitter look of those, it’s very plain and clean as well as easy to wash, if need be (I usually wash my jars whenever I happen to wash my brushes, I also like to clean them with some alcohol once washed-just the germaphobe in me). All you need to do is put the empty candle jar in a freezer (I usually do it overnight) and the wax will come off easily, without a mess- I like to use a knife for that, once taken out the freezer, the wax will easily pop-off. Rather than throwing it away, I like to use the last bits of wax as well, I just melt it in my wax warmer. I only do that for scented candles (obviously) ;) .


Do you guys keep your candle jars as well? Maybe you know of some other ways to re-use them?

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