My 10 “lazy” weekend essentials

Weekend essentials 

Staying in this weekend? Good, me too.

Thanksgiving weekend is always one of the most inactive weekends for me. I use the official start of the holiday season as a perfect excuse to sit back and relax a little.

I’m pretty sure that in one of my previous posts I mentioned just how difficult it is for me to relax. I’m always trying to do a couple of different things at once and it’s not easy for me to just disconnect from everything. But that doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped trying. Every once in a while I turn off my phone and really try to enjoy some quiet downtime.

This weekend I have the perfect opportunity to do so: the house is sparkling clean, I don’t have to worry about cooking, and other than washing my car and making a few work-related  calls today, there isn’t much that I need to get done- other than blog-related work, which I love to do and I really consider to be a pleasure, rather than a responsibility.



If there is one thing that I wish I had more time to do, it’s reading. Reading is probably one of the easiest and simple ways to relax and unwind. I love reaching out for some of my favorite self-help and personal-growth books. Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein is definitely one of my favorites. I came across a TV interview with Gabby few years a go, and started following her on Twitter, IG and YouTube, I also love her blog. If you’re looking to get into meditation or are curious about spirituality and want your life to be filled with health, joy and miracles, then definitely check out her blog!


When planning a staycation, movies are always a must. I love having long marathons of some classics like Star Wars, Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, but I also love the fact that I can rent newly released movies on my TV. And then, of course, there’s Netflix!


I don’t drink coffee daily anymore (I’m a green tea girl now) but I do love to have coffee on the weekends. Rather than drinking it in a hurry like I used to do on my way to work all the time, I take my time and enjoy every sip. I’ll usually send my hubby to get us some coffee from my favorite local place, or we go out for breakfast together where I also always get a small cup of coffee.


If you celebrate Thanksgiving then chances are that you will probably be eating leftovers for the next day or two- and let’s face it, leftovers is probably one the best parts about Thanksgiving :) . But, whenever I am less active, I always make sure to not overeat and have some light snacks on hand like some grapefruit/orange wedges, skinny pizza, and if I’m having a really bad sweet tooth, I make these . Avoiding heavy foods while having a very a little downtime will help you not to feel sluggish and tired by the end of weekend.


A little weekend pampering always helps me de-stress. I love painting my nails and find it strangely soothing- I think it might because I can’t reach for my phone while I paint my nails hah :)  Therefore, Nail Polish is another must-have for me…


And what’s a little pamper session without a face mask, amiright?


I pretty much always have a candle burning, but I always bring my favorite ones during the weekend- this definitely isn’t weird, right? Right now I’m loving Diptique’s Sapin– it’s the most gorgeous winter scent that really reminds me of Christmas.


Because cozy weekend-in also calls for cuddles!


I have at least four different magazines subscriptions and I feel like I haven’t read any of them in months. There’s a whole stack of them on the floor by my desk, and I’m planning on going through at least a half of them this weekend.


I definitely prefer Let’s Dance, but because hubby never wants to play with me, I have to settle for Monopoly and Scrabble. I remember a few years a go we lost power for a couple of days during a bad storm, and all we did was play Monopoly all weekend long, and I remember it being so fun. I actually also remember feeling disappointed when the power came back up, because I was really enjoying being disconnected-literally.

What are some of your “staycation” essentials? Do you guys know of any fun board games we should try? Also, don’t forget to add me on Snapchat: @Paula13t!

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