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Clean eats: green walnut tacos

vegan tacos

Clean eats: green walnut tacos I don’t think I’ve shared this with you guys yet, but I’m in the middle of a 22-day plant-based diet challenge. Well, almost in the middle- I’m on day 10 today.  I say “challenge”, but deep down I’m really hoping that this will be more of a permanent lifestyle change. Some time ago I picked up this book: 22-day Revolution by Marco Borges– an exercise physiologist who’s worked with stars like Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce…

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Clean eats: banana & oat breakfast bars

Of all the fruit, bananas are definitely amongst my favorite. Ninety percent of the time I buy way too many though, and always end up with those extra ripe ones that no one wants to touch, because “ew”. That’s actually when they’re the sweetest and I personally love enjoying them when they’re so ripe. Always having so many though, means that I make banana bread at least once every two weeks (seriously, it’s become like a tradition) I also like freezing…

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Shaved asparagus salad

shaved asparagus salad recipe

I love my veggies and asparagus is definitely amongst my favorites. One of the reasons I love it is because it makes for such a nice and easy side dish; all you need to do is mix it with some olive oil, pop it in the oven or the grill and top it off with some grated Parmesan. Boom, you’re done. Yesterday, I wanted to try something different though, and instead of baking/grilling it, I made a salad with raw,…

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