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Lovin’ Lately

beauty and lifestyle blog

Have you ever seen a child crying at a store because their mom/dad refuses to buy them yet another toy? I’ve always looked at that parent trying to rip that toy from the child’s grip while they’re crying “but I waaaanttt itt!!!” and thought  “damn, I know how that feels.” That’s exactly how I feel when I’m close to finishing a bottle of perfume. I know I should use it up and throw away the bottle, but I refuse to do so, because… well… I…

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Love natural contour?

Kevin Aucoin contour duo

I think that it’s safe to say that you guys know me pretty well by now, and realize that even though I’m a total makeup junkie, I like to keep things natural-looking, most of the time. This also includes contouring.…

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“No makeup” makeup menu

Summer is here (well.. almost) and in addition to swapping warm, long layers of clothing for lighter ones I’ll be doing the same with my makeup and go from using thicker and heavier products to light and barely-there looks, as the weather warms up.…

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