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blog photography

Blogging Photography

Best Photography Tools + Equipment for Blogging


Let’s be real- first impressions are everything. This includes your blog. Your photos are often what gets you noticed, and it’s what gets people to click on your posts, share them and like them. A huge portion of blog-related questions I get from you guys have to do with photography. The type of camera I use, lens, equipment, how I edit my photos, how I get them to look bright and sharp. I also know that photography is one of…

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How to get the most out of your DSLR

How to get the most out of your DSLR

How to get the most out of your DSLR I’ve been blogging for nearly five years and when I started, there were many things I was clueless about. Photography was one of them. I actually owned a DSLR way before I started blogging- I just didn’t know how to use it. We called it “the big camera” and we’d bring it with us when going on vacation. Surprise, surprise, we only used in auto mode. When starting this blog, I…

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