The Roundup: April

Yes, it is hard to believe, but May is already here.

I want to start this month’s roundup by giving a little shoutout to Lily of Pint Sized Beauty for saying such kind things about Thirteen Thoughts in the latest issue of Blogosphere magazine. I was SO excited to have been featured and I’m so happy that I was just able to get my hands on the magazine (thanks to the Blogosphere team!) which unfortunately isn’t available in the US. If you love beauty and gorgeous photography, you’ll love Lily’s blog– her being a total sweetheart doesn’t hurt, either. ;)

For the last couple of months, my blogging schedule was a bit off and I didn’t write as often as I usually do. The good news is that I’m nearing the end of my treatment (which is really wearing me out with the back pain, fatigue, some anxiety) and only have another month to go. I CAN’T tell you guys how excited I am to get off the meds and go back to my old self. I get a lot of messages on Facebook and emails asking for an update and I promise to write another detailed post once I’m done with the treatment. If you don’t know what I’m referring to, see this post.

There are also a few other blog things that I’m working on “behind the scenes”; all of which had to be put on hold when I lost my Gran- I barely had any strength to get out of bed, let alone think about setting up things like a blog shop.

On the 7th, I also celebrated my 3rd 25th birthday anniversary, or, in other words, I turned 28 and took a few days off to do absolutely nothing, except watch Harry Potter- something that I, as a workaholic, never, ever do. Needless to say, much fun was had.

But, in April we still managed to talk things like Success , Staying Motivated and… Being Okay With Not Being Okay. You guys seemed to really love all three of those posts and some of your comments made me cry. Is it weird that I love when that happens? Whenever we share our feelings and opinions in those posts, there’s just this amazing connection I feel. I don’t want to just write a post and be like “k…bye!”- I love, love reading your comments, even if I don’t always answer them right away, I always read them all.

We also discussed Spring Beauty and Spring Style because.. well, it is spring. I also talked about my April Makeup BagFavorite Beauty Tools and my love for Essential Oils.

Things like Simplifying Your LifeDigital Distractions and Sticking to New Habits also often go hand in hand, and we talked about those, too (naturally).

Another one of my most loved April posts was Blogging Tips for Beginners.

If you missed any of these and need to catch up, you go do that and I’ll see ya tomorrow. Love you. Mean it.

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