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Girl talk Lifestyle

How to stay sane, when sh*t hits the fan


Sometimes you might find yourself feeling like your life is spinning out of your control. Sometimes, things just happen and sh*t hits the fan. Last week I was going through my own little personal sh*t storm and I was convinced that it was without a doubt, the worst week of my life. It just seemed like one thing kept going wrong after another. And another, and another. Now, I realize that things weren’t as bad as I’ve thought (they never…

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Girl talk Lifestyle

7 Positive Affirmations for the New Year


“I can’t do this“, “I’m so tired“, “I look horrible“, “I’m so stressed“- do you ever find yourself thinking these things? How often do you tell yourself “I feel great today” or “I got this!”? You might not realize this, but the majority of the time, we tend to think about things in a negative way. We talk about things we don’t want, more than we talk about things we want, love and desire. The same thing goes for our…

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Girl talk

50 things that make me happy

beauty and lifestyle blog

I always think that for some reason a lot of us usually focus on things that stress us out or make us anxious, a lot more than we focus on things that make us happy. This is why I was so excited when I saw that my gorgeous and dear friend Sophie, tagged me to do the 50 Things That Make Me Happy tag. Make sure to check out her lovely blog! Here are 50 things that make me happy:…

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