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Lifestyle Wellness

Nighttime Self-Care Rituals to Adopt

When things get messy, busy, hectic or stressful during the day, most of us think to ourselves “I can’t wait for this day to finally be over!” Stress and a sudden feeling of overwhelm most of the time come unexpectedly. That is one of the reasons why I am such a huge believer in rituals and routines. Both morning and nighttime. I love both the very beginning and the end of the day because I find them both incredibly peaceful.…

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Lifestyle Wellness

How to beat the midday slump

How to beat the midday slump

How to beat the midday slump Office nap rooms are totally a thing, did you know? “Sleeping on the job” might be frowned upon but the truth is, short afternoon naps have been proven to enhance performance and boost creativity and productivity in a workplace. With more than a third of Americans being sleep deprived, a midday power nap is a great way to beat the afternoon slump. What if your workplace doesn’t have those snooze-friendly policies though? HOW TO BEAT…

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Girl talk Lifestyle self-growth

5 Habits for a Happier Life

5 Habits for a Happier Life

5 Habits for a Happier Life In life, there are often so many ups and downs, sometimes it’s hard to keep up. Your mood can change multiple times during your day; one minute you feel excited, the next you feel annoyed when something goes wrong. I don’t believe that any of us can feel happy 100% of the time. That would probably be a bit boring. There is, however, something in our habits, things we do on a daily basis…

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Lifestyle Wellness

7 Ways to Slow Down And Find More Joy in Your Life

7 Ways to Slow Down And Find More Joy in Your Life

7 Ways to Slow Down And Find More Joy in Your Life How many tabs do you have opened on your computer or tablet at the moment? With the constant glorification of busyness, I have to say that sometimes it feels like it’s my brain that has way too many tabs opened at once. I don’t want to close any of them, just in case I need to revisit one or two, yet there always seems to be more and…

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Girl talk Lifestyle self-growth

A Gentle Reminder that You Are Not What Happens to You

You Are Not What Happens to You. #happiness #growth #selfgrowth

It’s 2016. I am the happiest I’ve ever been. For the first time in my life, I know what it’s like to have things finally “fall into place” and I’m thriving, loving life like I’ve never loved it before. Then, at the end of the year, I experience loss for the first time. It breaks me. While still trying to pick up the pieces, six months into 2017, I get into an accident, which doesn’t seem like a big deal.…

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