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Girl talk Lifestyle

How to love Mondays

you've lost your motivation

You open your eyes, roll over and hit the snooze button again. You get out of bed, get dressed, grab a cup of coffee and a piece of toast and you’re out the door. As you drive to work and get stuck in morning traffic, you think to yourself “Ugh.. I hate Mondays.” I get it. For years and years, I was one of those people who absolutely hates Mondays. I’d start feeling anxious Sunday evening and try to make…

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Lifestyle Wellness

7 Life-changing morning rituals

7 Life-Changing Rituals

7 Life-Changing Morning Rituals Your morning routine sets the mood and tone for your entire day. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if you started each and every day on a with a smile on your face? How do you feel right after you open your eyes in the morning? Are you excited to start your day, or do you just want to roll over and go back to sleep? How you spend your mornings makes a big impact on your mood and…

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Beauty Girl talk

Autumn pamper

There’s nothing that I like more than a nice, lengthy pamper session after a long, cold Autumn day.  During summer I rarely get to have those lengthy self-care sessions- the most I do is slap a 5-minute mask on my face- but Autumn is a different story. I can have a long bath (because who wants to soak in scolding hot water during summer, amiright?) burn my favorite candle, read a book and actually let that face mask dry. The…

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Finding the time to do it all

There’s a stack of more than half a dozen books by my desk, waiting for me to finally squeeze in some time to read. I also have yet to spring-clean my house- and trust me, it is in need of some good, deep spring cleaning. I just don’t have the time.…

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