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Lifestyle self-growth Wellness

4 Mental Habits that Steal Happiness

Mental Habits that Steal Happiness

4 Mental Habits that Steal Happiness Ask any group of people what their main goal in life is and chances are they’ll tell you it’s happiness. Ask them to define happiness, and they’ll probably all give you different answers. “Happiness” is something we say we want, simply because we have no easier way to describe all of our goals, dreams, and plans. We want things to go good, we want things to go smoothly. Happiness is also something that we’re…

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Lifestyle self-growth

7 Habits to Quit to Be More Successful

7 Habits to Quit to Be More Successful

The easiest way to introduce some new, fun and exciting things into your life, is to first make some room by getting rid of old, limiting habits. There are a lot of things we don’t have control over. One thing you can control is what you do every day- because success isn’t something that happens all of a sudden; it’s something that happens every single day. Every “overnight” success you’ve ever heard of, was years in the making. Success means different…

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Lifestyle self-growth Wellness

How to Make Habits Stick

Breaking a habit is pretty simple. But it’s not easy. Think about it; all you have to do is interrupt one pattern and replace it with another. Take the “bad” behavior habit and replace it with a good one. That’s it. That’s all you have to do. Then why is it so hard? Well, change isn’t easy. It’s something that often feels uncomfortable; it’s scary and uncertain- and our brain is designed to protect us from things that are uncertain. Your…

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