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Let’s Talk Acne: My Accutane Results

Oookay this post was in the works for a while now, let’s talk about my Accutane results. Most of you know that I’ve been dealing with acne for as long as I can remember. I don’t ever remember having clear skin. Until now. I talked about my struggles with acne in great detail in my previous post. If you want to know why I decided to go on Accutane (Absorica), how large my dose was and what my skincare routine…

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Skincare: Brighter, Softer + Gentle

Skincare: Brighter, Softer + Gentle One of the most important things I’ve learned about skincare, after battling acne for years, it’s that gentle is the way to go. Even if you know your skin can “tolerate” a lot, gentle is the only way to go. I also used to think that I could scrub my skin problems away. Then I became best friends with AHA and BHA products and kissed mechanical exfoliation goodbye. No more drying cleansers, no more beady…

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Lovin’ Lately

Mostly skincare this month, I’m afraid. My skin has this weird thing when it comes to micellar waters- it’s either indifferent to them, or they make it break out in huge, red, blotchy hives. Toward the end of my acne treatment, which left me with horribly dry lips, I discovered that micellar water does wonders to dry and cracked lips. Sometimes exfoliating isn’t an option (when lips are bleeding and extremely sensitive) but having those dry bits hang around isn’t…

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15 Beauty Hacks + Tips to Try This Summer

It’s hard to stay calm and cool when one of my eyebrows is melting off (it always has to be the “good one”,  too) and my hair refuses to cooperate with me. Also, my huge sunnies always leave those awful marks on my face while also removing half of my foundation. Can you relate? Summer is a beautiful time of year, but it’s also a time of year when a small sweat breakthrough can ruin an outfit, and when your…

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9 Facial Mists to Love


In case you couldn’t tell, I have a thing for complexion mists. Face mist is the first product I reach for as soon as I’m done washing my face and yes, I am convinced that my life just wouldn’t be the same without them. To use anytime, anywhere: Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herb and Rosewater and MUN Anarose Hydrating Rose Toner. I can’t tell you how many bottles of the Mario Badescu spray I went through over the…

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