Lifestyle Wellness

100 Things to Be Thankful For

Things to Be Thankful For

Things to Be Thankful For

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” ~ Robert Brault

Hot peppermint tea on a cold, rainy Autumn day. A warm hug from your child. Getting into your bed after a long, stressful and exhausting day. These are all small things that make your life so special. They often go unnoticed while we’re busy chasing something “better”, something “bigger”.

This week, we’ll talk gratitude- something that we all should practice a little more, not just during the holiday season, but every single day. We’re staring with 100 Things to Be Thankful For.

1. Snooze button.
2. Knowing how to be present.
3. Vacation.
4. Alone time.
5. Your favorite books.
6. Warm socks.
7. Lazy weekends.
8. Phone calls from old friends.
9. The Sun.
10. Your pet.
11. A good laugh.
12. A good cry.
13. Cat videos.
14. Your health.
15. Family.
16. Comfy bed.
17. Kindness.
18. Long, warm hugs.
19. Fun traditions.
20. Books.
21. Avocado toast.
22. Old songs.
23. A good night’s sleep.
24. Favorite movie.
25. Friends.
26. Smiles.
27. Your home.
28. Running water.
29. Rainy days.
30. Blogs.
31. Being able to give and help others.
32. Midday naps. They don’t happen too often, but once they do…
33. Warm tea on a cold day.
34. Good hair days.
35. Music.
36. Your partner.
37. Learning.
38. Handwritten notes from someone you love.
39. Fresh air.
40. Warm blankets.
41. Birds singing outside your window.
42. Rainbows.
43. Hot showers.
44. Spending time with someone you love.
45. Teachers.
46. Date nights.
47. Book stores.
48. Fun, summer nights.
49. Days when everything goes right.
50. Days when everything goes wrong- because they help us appreciate those good ones.
51. Your UPS, FedEx and USPS drivers.
52. Morning coffee.
53. Scented candles.
54. The feel of sunlight hitting your skin.
55. Slow, cozy mornings.
56. Stand up comedy- nothing better to watch after a bad day.
57. Your freedom.
58. Electricity.
59. J.K. Rowling- because our lives wouldn’t be the same without The Boy Who Lived.
60. Your job.
61. Childhood memories.
62. Long weekends.
63. Hummus and veggies.
64. Siblings.
65. Everyone who keeps our communities and neighborhoods safe.
66. The Internets.
67. Learning to forgive.
68. Your past- because it taught you quite a lot.
69. The moon and the stars.
70. People who always make you smile.
71. Feeling safe.
72. Long conversations- the kind that last all night.
73. People who inspire us.
74. Babies. Because they’re super cute, innocent and they smell like love.
75. Work friends.
76. Dry shampoo. Seriously.
77. All of our friends who work in retail- they’re the real heroes. ;)
78. Mom’s (dad’s or grandma’s) cooking.
79. A good workout.
80. Beautiful sunsets.
81. Long baths.
82. Sunday dinners with the family.
83. Farmers’ market.
84. Mother Nature.
85. Tough times- they don’t last forever, but they make you stronger.
86. Your dreams- because they keep you working hard.
87. Special moments we sometimes share with “strangers”.
88. Change.
89. Education.
90. Art.
91. Generosity.
92. Fresh bread.
93. Home movie nights.
94. Finding old pictures that make you smile.
95. Your future.
96. Washing machines and dryers.
97. Selfless people.
98. Learning to face your fears.
99. You guys.
100. ________

I’m leaving #100 blank, not because I can’t think of more things to be thankful for, but because I want you to fill that blank.

What is one, small thing/person/place/feeling that you feel thankful for?


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