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Lifestyle Wellness

7 Morning Rituals for Busy People

Morning Rituals for Busy People

For some people, mornings are all about trying not to hurt anyone before their first cup of coffee. And, for others, early morning is a favorite time of day. I can easily say that I belong to the latter group. Why? Because I have created a routine that I look forward to, every single day. I open my eyes and feel excited. I’ll admit, I wasn’t always a morning person. I also used to have a lot more free time…

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Lifestyle self-growth

Overcoming Perfectionism: Ditch your desire to be perfect

Not. Good. Enough. If my life had a theme song, that would be the title. I’m not exactly sure where my desire for that constant perfection came from, but it was here, for as long as I can remember. Actually, I’m not entirely sure if it’s so much of a desire to be perfect, as it is a paralyzing fear of failure. It doesn’t matter if I’m cooking, cleaning, working, blogging, exercising- I’ve always felt the need for everything to…

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The Roundup

How to get the most out of your DSLR

Lately, I’ve been embracing “slow blogging”- although not necessarily by choice- I have to admit that I love the idea. I think that I actually wrote some of my favorite posts over the last couple of weeks. Not having to stress about writing every day, meant that I was able to create the kind of content I really wanted and give it 100%. I talked a little about why I haven’t been around much and everything else that’s going on in…

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Lifestyle self-growth Wellness

4 Mental Habits that Steal Happiness

Mental Habits that Steal Happiness

4 Mental Habits that Steal Happiness Ask any group of people what their main goal in life is and chances are they’ll tell you it’s happiness. Ask them to define happiness, and they’ll probably all give you different answers. “Happiness” is something we say we want, simply because we have no easier way to describe all of our goals, dreams, and plans. We want things to go good, we want things to go smoothly. Happiness is also something that we’re…

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Lifestyle Wellness

Self-care kit: what is it + why you need one

Resting against the warm radiator, reading books while sipping peppermint tea and snacking on sugar cookies. Growing up, that was my ideal recipe for a crappy day. I guess I had my little self-care survival kit (which included Harry Potter books and my favorite peppermint tea) long before I knew what self-care was. If you want to practice more kindness toward yourself, creating a self-care kit is a great place to start. What’s a self-care kit? Think of it as…

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