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Lifestyle self-growth

10 Ways to Unwind After a Bad Day

Wouldn’t it be amazing if keeping your vibes high and positive was always easy? The truth is, sometimes even something really small can ruin your day. Like someone else making a stupid comment, something not going the way you hoped. A lot of those things might seem insignificant… but they’re just enough to throw off your positive vibes. So… how do you deal with it? How do you de-stress, unwind after a bad day, and turn a bad day into…

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Lifestyle self-growth

How to Deal with Feeling Stuck


Feeling stuck is confusing. Sometimes it feels like you’ve chosen the wrong road. Other times it feels almost as if your life doesn’t really feel like “yours” anymore. Suddenly, things get a little quiet. You might not know what your next step should be. You don’t know where to start- you might not even know where you’re going. It happens to pretty much all of us and it’s just a part of life. It’s also a feeling that eventually passes, but it…

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6 Daily Habits for Success + Accomplishing Your Goals

Ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? I know the feeling. There always seems to be so much to do, so much to accomplish. However you choose to define success, whatever it is that you hope to achieve or complete- it most likely isn’t going to happen overnight. It happens every day. It happens when you stop using excuses. It happens when you take small steps. It happens when you grow and work on self-improvement on…

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Lifestyle self-growth

7 Habits to Quit to Be More Successful

7 Habits to Quit to Be More Successful

The easiest way to introduce some new, fun and exciting things into your life, is to first make some room by getting rid of old, limiting habits. There are a lot of things we don’t have control over. One thing you can control is what you do every day- because success isn’t something that happens all of a sudden; it’s something that happens every single day. Every “overnight” success you’ve ever heard of, was years in the making. Success means different…

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Girl talk

7 Things You Need to Give Up if You Want to Succeed

7 Things You Need to Give

7 Things You Need to Give Up if You Want to Succeed …at pretty much anything. In one of my latest lifestyle posts, I shared one of my favorite Dalai Lama quotes with you guys: “Judge your success by what you had to give up, in order to get it.” Today, I’ll talk about a few of those things that I’ve learned to give up. The easiest way to introduce some new, fun and exciting things to your life, is to first make some…

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