
What’s in My Makeup Bag: July

Even though I enjoyed going makeup-free for the majority of the month, I couldn’t stay away from it for an entire time. I remember about 6-7 years ago, BareMinerals products were the only makeup products I’d reach for. Their original mineral powders were just so amazing, that I didn’t feel the need to use anything else. It’s really cool to see how the brand has grown over the years. One of their newest products is BarePro Performance Wear Liquid Foundation ($34)*.…

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Lifestyle self-growth Wellness

4 Mental Habits that Steal Happiness

Mental Habits that Steal Happiness

4 Mental Habits that Steal Happiness Ask any group of people what their main goal in life is and chances are they’ll tell you it’s happiness. Ask them to define happiness, and they’ll probably all give you different answers. “Happiness” is something we say we want, simply because we have no easier way to describe all of our goals, dreams, and plans. We want things to go good, we want things to go smoothly. Happiness is also something that we’re…

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Summer Beauty Essentials

This summer is a first one I’m experiencing with acne-free skin- and I have to say that going makeup-free never felt this good. These ridiculously high temperatures mean that I actually stay away from makeup on most days, but some things (like mascara, or a bit of a bronzer) I just can’t say “no” to. Coola’s BB Cream in Light/Medium is an ideal product for those no-makeup days. It’s incredibly hydrating, has SPF30, very lightweight and gives minimal coverage- my…

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Lifestyle Wellness

Self-care kit: what is it + why you need one

Resting against the warm radiator, reading books while sipping peppermint tea and snacking on sugar cookies. Growing up, that was my ideal recipe for a crappy day. I guess I had my little self-care survival kit (which included Harry Potter books and my favorite peppermint tea) long before I knew what self-care was. If you want to practice more kindness toward yourself, creating a self-care kit is a great place to start. What’s a self-care kit? Think of it as…

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Lifestyle self-growth

12 Affirmations to Boost Confidence + Self Esteem

Affirmations to Boost Confidence + Self Esteem

I talk about affirmations quite often, here on the blog. I have a few of them taped to my mirror, I write them out in my journal, read them in the morning. It’s something that has helped me overcome things like self-doubt and also played a huge role in my journey to self-love and acceptance. Although, I don’t know. “Acceptance” is such a …. neutral word. I like “love” a lot better. Growing up I often heard things like “try…

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