
The Beauty Diet- how to stop buying so much makeup

The Beauty Diet- how to stop buying so much makeup The other day I came across this quote and I found it very interesting: “He who buys what he does not need, steals from himself“.  Pretty melodramatic start for a post about makeup, isn’t it? As I mentioned before (numerous times, I’m sure) one of my goals for this year, is to surround myself with less….. stuff. Why? Well… because my beauty collection was getting out of control. I’m not just talking…

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Blogging Photography

Must-Know Photoshop Tools for Editing Your Blog Photos

Photoshop Tools for Editing Your Blog Photos

Using Photoshop was life-changing for me, in terms of blog photography. Believe it or not, since I started using Photoshop I actually spend less time editing my photos. I think that editing is one of my favorite things to work on, actually- especially when I get to “save” a less-than-perfect photo. I find it very relaxing and soothing. The cool thing about both blogging and photography, is that you never stop learning. I actually cringe when I look at my photos from…

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Girl talk Wellness

4 Ways to end negative self-talk


“Idiot! What is wrong with you?!” That was the first thing that I heard myself say when I missed a turn. I was going home after running some errands. Since I was in an unfamiliar area, I turned my GPS on. GPS that hasn’t been updated since I bought my car. The rain was pouring down hard, it was right around school-traffic time and I could barely see where I was going (not that it mattered since I didn’t actually know where I…

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The Roundup: February

As slow as this month has been, it was also a little special for me as I finally shared a very honest post about my life-long struggle with acne. It was something I wanted to share with you guys for a while now, just haven’t had the time to actually sit down and put my feelings into words. I felt like it’s been such a huge part of my life, but something I rarely talked about. At the time of…

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Blog tips: 7 Ways to step up your Pinterest game (in 10 minutes or less)

step up your Pinterest game

Having a blog taught me quite a few things; one of them being this: you can’t be everywhere at once. There was a point when I realized that I’m spending less time blogging and more time “hanging out” on social media. Okay, when I say “social media” I mainly mean Instagram because.. well… I’m just not a huge Twitter or Facebook fan. Well.. guess what? That can suck the fun out of blogging. I suddenly realized that replying to my Instagram…

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