Girl talk Lifestyle

25 Things to do by yourself + printable list


I love spending time alone. As long as it doesn’t involve me leaving my house. Whenever Mark wants to go somewhere where I know we can expect crowds I always tell him: “but… but there are people there and I’ll have to interact and stuff“. It’s become somewhat of a running joke in my family. We’d go out to dinner and someone will suddenly look at me and say “Paula! I see people!” So yeah, I’m a bit (or a…

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Spring Cleaning Your Beauty Stash

Even though it’s barely 16 degrees outside and a winter storm warning is out, most of my spring cleaning is finally done. I told you guys all about my “beauty diet” and I gotta say- I never thought I’d be a be able to make it through April, but it looks like it’s happening! I’ve never been this excited about not buying makeup. First world problems here, I know. While cleaning out our closets and kitchen cupboards (which I have…

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How to stop procrastinating, right now

How to Stop Procrastinating Right Now

Tomorrow- a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation, and achievement is stored. So, it goes something like this; you know you need to get something important done, but you don’t do it right away. You first check your email, then your Instagram feed, next thing you know it’s two hours later and you find yourself watching cat videos on YouTube.  Meh, I’ll just do it tomorrow. Happens to the best of us, doesn’t it? Procrastination is all about…

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Beauty Lifestyle

Lovin’ Lately

This month’s Lovin’ Lately is a little.. well.. late, BUT it’s filled with a ton of things I love, including one of THE best hydrating face masks I’ve tried in a long time. I briefly talked about Glossier’s Milky Jelly Cleanser in this post. It’s one of my favorite cleansers at the moment and I love using this as part of my double-cleanse routine (especially after using the Akwi Cleanser*). Wish this came in a bigger bottle because I can’t…

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Oh, hello! Here to banish your dry skin!

curél hydra therapy wet skin moisturizer

This post was created in partnership with Curél®, a KAO Worldwide brand. Here’s the thing: I love all seasons. Well… okay, so maybe I like summer juuuust a bit more than the rest (don’t we all?), but the truth is, there isn’t a time of year I particularly dread or don’t look forward to. When spring comes, everything around us starts to blossom; during summer, our days are longer and nights are warm. Fall brings the sweater weather and that crisp, fresh air we…

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