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Lifestyle self-growth

How to Chase Your Dreams

How to Chase Your Dreams

How to Chase Your Dreams Most of us go through life, waiting for something to happen. Sure, we dream. We close our eyes, we see ourselves living the life we’ve always wanted to live, doing things we’ve always wanted to do. For some, it’s being able to stay at home and raise their children. For others, it’s having a flourishing career; or traveling the world, or living on a farm. We then open our eyes and think: “dreams are for stupid and naive“- and that’s where…

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Lifestyle self-growth

Self-Growth + Judging Yourself: How to Judge Yourself Less

Judging Yourself: How to Judge Yourself Less

Being fair to yourself is not always easy. Overthinking is a trap all of us, mostly the sensitive types, wish we could escape. Self-judgment involves fear- it poisons the present, this very moment. Judgment, you sabotaging your own happiness or the relationship you have with yourself and other people, most often happens subconsciously. So how can you judge yourself less? Judging yourself, when it comes down to it, is about pointing out and over-stressing over things you don’t like about…

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Lifestyle self-growth

7 Tips for Removing Negativity from Your Life

7 Tips for Removing Negativity from Your Life

Is removing negativity from your life possible? Well, it is impossible to remove ALL negativity from your life. Happiness almost never equals a picture-perfect life where things never go wrong, where you don’t ever get angry, sad or frustrated. Or disappointed. That’s not what being more “positive” or “happy” is about. It’s about realizing that “happiness” means different things to all of us. It is also about the realization that sometimes, removing negativity from your life takes work, a lot…

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Lifestyle self-growth

7 Small Habits that Steal Your Happiness

7 Habits that Steal Your Happiness

All the time, we say that all we want is to be “happy” but what is “happy” anyway? Is happiness something that suddenly appears when things fall into place, or is it something that happens every day? Well, let’s put it this way: when you feel it, you know it. It’s the feeling you get when someone you love smiles at you, it’s the feeling when you’re sitting in your living room reading a book on a rainy day, it’s…

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Lifestyle self-growth

Practicing Gratitude on a Daily Basis: How to Make Gratitude a Part of Your Daily Routine

Creating a gratitude routine

We always seem to want more. More of everything, and we want it now. I’ve come to realize that “more” doesn’t always equal “happy.” There are so many things in your life, right now, that you can’t imagine living without; yet most days, you don’t give those things a second thought. As I type this, my laptop battery is about to die. I’m wearing leggings, two pairs of thick socks, sweatpants, a long-sleeved shirt, a hoodie, and I’m covered with…

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