
Broiled grapefruit

broiled grapefruit with coconut recipe

There are a lot of foods that I thought were absolutely revolting when I was little- grapefruit was certainly one them.  Just like with many other things in life, that tangy and bitter taste of grapefruit is something that I’ve grown to appreciate as I got older. :)…

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Instant, natural tan on a budget

Tanwise Medium Wash-Off Mousse

Summer is right around the corner and soon enough everyone will be after that sun-kissed, golden glow. Today I’ll tell you all about my new favorite bronzing mousse that gives a very natural-looking color (even for someone as fair as me), and best of all: it won’t cost you a fortune.…

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Girl talk

50 things that make me happy

beauty and lifestyle blog

I always think that for some reason a lot of us usually focus on things that stress us out or make us anxious, a lot more than we focus on things that make us happy. This is why I was so excited when I saw that my gorgeous and dear friend Sophie, tagged me to do the 50 Things That Make Me Happy tag. Make sure to check out her lovely blog! Here are 50 things that make me happy:…

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