Lifestyle Wellness

3 Things to do Slower

3 Things To Do Slower

I am turning 28 next month. Even as I type this I find it hard to believe. Not because I’m terrified of getting old, but because on the one hand, I feel like I’ve lived through at least three lifetimes, and on the other, it’s like “holy shit I’m almost 30, when did this happen??” I thought that I’d have everything figured by now. And I don’t. I’m not even close. And that’s okay. There are two days in a year that usually…

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What’s in my Makeup Bag: March

Don’t you just hate it when a product you love gets discontinued? Actually, don’t answer that. I know you do. The other day I spent hour and half driving around looking for my favorite eyeliner from NYC and realized that I haven’t seen their products around for a while. In every single place I went to I was told that they don’t carry their products anymore and the brand just seems to have disappeared. There are still a few places online that…

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Lifestyle Wellness

How to de-stress and unwind after a tough day

unwind after a tough day

I’ve been an old soul since I was a baby. Or so my mom says. My dad, who is the type of man who can fix pretty much anything, was running an auto repair shop when I was little. The shop was located right in our backyard. My mom always tells me these *fun* stories- which, by now are a bit played out and you know.. I listen to them because I love her, but at the same time it’s like, come…

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Skincare Mistakes to Learn From

Skincare Mistakes

Long gone are days when I’d spend an entire afternoon rubbing baby oil (which was a step-up from vegetable oil I used to use when I was even younger) on my skin while lying out in the sun. The speedier and crispier my tan was- the better. Being tan not only made feel better about my looks, but I also found tanning to be very therapeutic; it always lifted my mood. If I had a stressful day, I loved visiting a…

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7 Tips For Better Instagram Photos

If I’m being honest… there’s nothing *instant* about about my Instagram game. I know that a lot of you who are bloggers as well, can relate. You won’t find me using my phone taking pictures of anything other than some really… REALLY random shit… or my dog, or Mark sleeping. I’m creepy like that. Okay, so it’s mostly videos of him snoring which I collect as evidence, since he constantly argues that his snoring is “really not that bad” and that it’s…

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